What is a strong woman?

Nowadays you often see ‘power women’ being put forward in the media, including films, as an example of a strong woman. Often in roles previously reserved for male heroes. They can now do what once only men were expected to do.
strong woman
This article on an internet site is about that, among other things. As far as I’m concerned, the article reflects the gender confusion of the present time. But it is, of course, also an expression of the desire to look again at what being a strong woman is really about. Apart from traditional roles and views. So let’s explore this: what do I, a man, experience as a strong woman?

Characteristics of a strong woman.

She is:

  • open to men and willing to be contained by him;
  • always cooperating intelligently with men; no competition;
  • has self-respect; doesn’t let herself be seduced/used;
  • trusts her heart, her truth; refuses to bow to social conditioning;
  • completely honest, even if you don’t like it, regardless of the consequences;
  • wants a man in her life, not a little boy or rebel; refuses to mother the male;
  • her inner world is central; the outside world incl. career is secondary, a means to the first;
  • refuses to support causes or behaviour that does not serve life, in short, she is uncompromising and does not emulate the male.

  • If you, as a man, want such a woman in your life, you will have to grow up – become strong.